Parker - CH. Sagagold Majesty He's A Keeper

CH. Sagagold Majesty He's A Keeper
# CKC EN727246
Date of birth : July 24th 2017
Color : Gold
Weight : 70 pounds
Eyes: OFA Clear
Heart: Normal
Elbows : Normal
Pedigree :
Parker is the most affectionate dog that I ever owned. He loves to play, swim and nothing scares him. He finished is championship at the age of nine months, in one week-end, winning the breed and placing in the group. He also picked-up a few points for his grand champion title, that he will persue next year. He comes from a beautiful line of champions. His father was the top golden retriever in the US in 2017 and won Best of breed at the prestigious Westminster dog show in New York in 2018. His mother won the golden retriever club of Québec specialty best of breed and has the outstanding dame title
Parker Parkerlightbox[Parker]Parker Parker Parkerlightbox[Parker]Parker Parker Parkerlightbox[Parker]Parker Parker Parkerlightbox[Parker]Parker Parker Parkerlightbox[Parker]Parker


Anik Primeau &
Dominic Picard
715, chemin de Touraine
Ste-Julie (Québec) J3E 1Y2
Téléphone : (450) 649-1209
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.