
Jackson - Majesty's Draft Pick

Majesty's Draft Pick
#CKC CN619271
Date of Birth: July 10, 2015
Color : Crem
Weight : 72 lbs
Hips : prelim
Eyes: Normal
Heart : Normal
Elbows : prelim
Jackson is a real clown. He is calm, confident and very affectionate.
He will begin his career of canine shows soon!
Jackson Jacksonlightbox[Jackson]Jackson Jackson Jacksonlightbox[Jackson]Jackson


Anik Primeau &
Dominic Picard
715, chemin de Touraine
Ste-Julie (Québec) J3E 1Y2
Téléphone : (450) 649-1209
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.